Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wack Job Anti LGBT State Rep. Sally Kern Launches "Moralities" Campaign

Grandma Potty Mouth Once Again Spewing Her Garbage

Sally Kern

In her fight to keep Oklahoma safe from that "twisted and perverted gay agenda," State Legislator Sally Kern (Repugnican), has once again come out against the LGBT community in her attempts to create a morality proclamation saying:

"This nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same-sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse and many other forms of debauchery."

The Proclamation declares the federal government "is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built."

Has this nut job ever heard of the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. "

Someone should give her a copy of the U.S. Bill Of Rights...

Find thousands of worldwide LGBT resources with LGBT CAT

Standing up (ok, sitting down) for our rights!

Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart!

1 comment:

Chicago said...

You may want to get your facts striaght before launching your anti-Christian assault.

Kern is a STATE REP not a US REP.