Sunday, March 29, 2009

LGBT New England

Equality Northeast

With the 2 recent victories against writing discrimination into the the state Constitution and protections for LGBT, Delaware looks to become the next member state to join the list of growing New England states that believes in equality.

Following equality in Massachusetts, the recent marriage equality in Connecticut, The New Hampshire House voting for equality, VT on the brink of marriage equality (Governor Jim Douglas (R) says he will veto) - email the governor or call his office - (802) 828-3333 and ask him to do the right thing by not using his personal beliefs to hurt our families but rather do what is right and follow the law.

Maggie Gallagher (BIGOT), President of the National Organization Of Marriage (bigot anti equality marriage/anti family group) - email Maggie and thank her for her "support" for all families and to do what she and her organization can to "protect" marriage for all families. It is time to stop the nonsense and brainwashing of America Maggie!

Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart!

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